Yokoi, Hiroshi’s team published research in Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan in 47 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is C4H6O3, SDS of cas: 14284-06-1.

Yokoi, Hiroshi published the artcileESR spectra of bis(tert-butyl- and ethylacetoacetato)copper(II) complexes in various hydrocarbon solvents, SDS of cas: 14284-06-1, the publication is Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (1974), 47(2), 497-8, database is CAplus.

The X-band ESR spectra of bis(tert-butyl acetoacetato)copper(II) and bis(ethyl acetoacetato)copper (II) were measured at 77°K in several noncoordinating hydrocarbon solvents. Remarkable solvent effects on dimer formation were revealed for the complexes.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is C4H6O3, SDS of cas: 14284-06-1.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Mun, Yang Un’s team published research in Gakujutsu Ronbunshu – Chosen Shogakkai in 12 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Gakujutsu Ronbunshu – Chosen Shogakkai published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application In Synthesis of 14284-06-1.

Mun, Yang Un published the artcileMetal-containing initiator systems, Application In Synthesis of 14284-06-1, the publication is Gakujutsu Ronbunshu – Chosen Shogakkai (1982), 210-17, database is CAplus.

Vinyl monomers are effectively polymerized in the presence of bis(Et acetoacetato)copper (II) [14284-06-1]Na tetraphenylborate  [143-66-8] system, although neither component used alone showed any catalytic activity. The initiator system shows high activity in CHCl3 or MeCN, but more polar solvents, e.g., DMF and DMSO, caused a very slow polymerization rate. Halogen compound additives markedly accelerated the polymerization in the presence of the binary systems, but phenylacetylene  [536-74-3] and 18-crown-6  [17455-13-9] retarded the polymerization Polymerization with the binary systems was propagated by a radical mechanism. Kinetics of polymerization of Me methacrylate  [80-62-6] show that chain transfer reaction of the polymer radical to the catalyst components is negligible.

Gakujutsu Ronbunshu – Chosen Shogakkai published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application In Synthesis of 14284-06-1.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Lipatova, T. E.’s team published research in Advances in Urethane Science and Technology in 4 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Advances in Urethane Science and Technology published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Category: copper-catalyst.

Lipatova, T. E. published the artcileRole of complexes in catalysis; of urethane formation, Category: copper-catalyst, the publication is Advances in Urethane Science and Technology (1975), 34-67, database is CAplus.

The catalytic activity of Cu β-diketonates, e.g. copper acetylacetonate [13395-16-9], in the formation of urethanes was determined by several factors. This was due to the change of effective changes on the Cu and O atoms of the chelate bond, depending on the influence of ligand substituents on π-factors of the Cu-ligand bond. These changes in electron structure of the catalyst in turn influenced the electron structure of the reagents, isocyanate and alc. This influence led to a change both in electron d. of the alc. O and in OH-bond length thus producing a change in orientation of the alc. mol. in regard to the isocyanate.

Advances in Urethane Science and Technology published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Category: copper-catalyst.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Fainerman, A. A.’s team published research in Kompozitsionnye Polimernye Materialy (1979-1996?) in 28 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Kompozitsionnye Polimernye Materialy (1979-1996?) published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application of Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Fainerman, A. A. published the artcileRole of oligomeric glycol in the formation of polyurethanes in the presence of copper β-diketonates, Application of Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, the publication is Kompozitsionnye Polimernye Materialy (1979-1996?) (1986), 65-7, database is CAplus.

Initial rate constants were calculated for copolymerization of MDI  [101-68-8] with polypropylene glycol (I) [25322-69-4] at 303-323 K in the presence of Cu β-diketonates, and the catalytic activity of the diketonates was evaluated. The catalytic activity decreased in the order: copper bis(dipivaloylmethanate) [14040-05-2] > copper bis(Et acetoacetate) [14284-06-1] > copper bis(benzoylacetonate) [14128-84-8] > copper bis(acetylacetonate) [13395-16-9] > copper bis(trifluoroacetylacetonate) [14324-82-4] > copper bis(hexafluoroacetylacetonate) [14324-82-4] with decreasing elec. charge on Cu. The catalytic activity of the diketonates decreased and the difference among the catalysts with respect to their activity diminished with increasing mol. weight of I. The dependence of catalytic activity on mol. weight of I was attributed to coordination between I and the diketonates. The stability constants of I-diketonate complexes increased with increasing mol. weight of I, as well as with decreasing temperature

Kompozitsionnye Polimernye Materialy (1979-1996?) published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application of Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Kamalov, G. L.’s team published research in Ukrainskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal (Russian Edition) in 48 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Ukrainskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal (Russian Edition) published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Name: Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Kamalov, G. L. published the artcileSpectra of some β-dicarbonyl complexes of copper in crystals and solutions, Name: Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, the publication is Ukrainskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal (Russian Edition) (1982), 48(11), 1142-7, database is CAplus.

The UV and visible absorption and diffuse reflection spectra of CHCl3 solutions and solid CuL2 (HL = R1C(O)CR2HC(O)R3; R1, R2, and R3 = alkyl, fluoroalkyl, Ph, and H) were deconvoluted onto 3 gaussian components ν1, ν2, and ν3. Starting from the short-wavelength ν1 band, the bands were attributed to the dxz,yzdxy, dz2dxy, and dx2y2dxy transitions. The transfer from a crystalline state into solution resulted in a bathochromic shift of the ν1 band of all complexes. The effect was explained by a formation of adducts with CHCl3 as a result of the interligand interactions in the 1st and 2nd coordination sphere. The resulting weakening of the Cu-O bond is reflected by a decrease of the O atom field strength which in turn decreases the splitting of the Cu d levels. The bathochromic ν1 shift is brought about by an incomplete mutual compensation of a tetrahedral distortion and a change of a ligand field strength. In agreement with this are the observed hypsochromic ν2 and bathochromic ν3 shifts.

Ukrainskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal (Russian Edition) published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Name: Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Khlebnikov, B. M.’s team published research in Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya A in 18 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya A published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application of Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Khlebnikov, B. M. published the artcileMechanism of initiation of oxidative polycondensation of phenols, Application of Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, the publication is Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya A (1976), 18(3), 528-32, database is CAplus.

Oxidative polycondensation of 2,6-dimethylphenol (I) [576-26-1] occurred within the catalytic complex derived from CuCl [7758-89-6] and capable of of coordinating O [7782-44-7] and I. The mechanism of the reaction, postulating the presence of an intermediate binuclear complex, was established by investigating the effect of composition and donor-acceptor properties of copper complexes of acetylacetone, acetoacetic ester, and salicylaldehyde on their catalytic activities.

Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Seriya A published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application of Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Prabhananda, B. S.’s team published research in Polyhedron in 13 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Polyhedron published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application In Synthesis of 14284-06-1.

Prabhananda, B. S. published the artcileEMR line-width analysis of CHCl3 solution of bis(ethylacetoacetato)copper(II) complex, Application In Synthesis of 14284-06-1, the publication is Polyhedron (1994), 13(3), 469-74, database is CAplus.

Two copper(II) complexes in equilibrium contribute to the solution EMR (EPR) spectrum of bis(ethylacetoacetato)copper(II). EMR line-widths were analyzed to obtain better insight into the nature of these 2 paramagnetic species. The anal. shows that the EMR anisotropy and rotational correlation times of the 2 paramagnetic species are similar in magnitude. The EMR anisotropy determined from line-width studies is compared with that obtained from a frozen solution EMR spectrum.

Polyhedron published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Application In Synthesis of 14284-06-1.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Chikira, Makoto’s team published research in Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999) in | CAS: 14284-06-1

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999) published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Recommanded Product: Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Chikira, Makoto published the artcileElectron spin resonance study of the formation of two dimeric species in bis(1-phenylbutane-1,3-dionato)- and bis(ethylacetoacetato)-copper(II), Recommanded Product: Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, the publication is Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999) (1977), 2344-8, database is CAplus.

ESR spectra of the title complexes in PhMe at 1.57-4.2 K and 77 K and 0-5000 G showed that the 2 form dimers. The spin-exchange interaction energies of these dimers were determined The dimeric structures were examined by computer simulation of the dimer ESR spectra and discussed in relation to the mol. packing of planar metal complexes in crystals and to the polymorphism of many complexes.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999) published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Recommanded Product: Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Wakeshima, Ikuko’s team published research in Nippon Kagaku Kaishi in | CAS: 14284-06-1

Nippon Kagaku Kaishi published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is C8H11NO, COA of Formula: 0.

Wakeshima, Ikuko published the artcileSynthesis of β-diketone and β-keto ester complexes of yttrium(III), barium(II) and copper(II), COA of Formula: 0, the publication is Nippon Kagaku Kaishi (1992), 619-26, database is CAplus.

Synthesis of highly pure acetylacetone (Hacac), dipivaloylmethane (Hdpm), and Et acetoacetate (Hetac) chelates of Y(III), Ba(II), and Cu(II) was investigated. The chelates were synthesized by the reaction of the ligands with anhydrous YCl3 (in the presence of amine), Ba metal, or anhydrous Cu(OAc)2 using anhydrous solvents under dry atm. Anhydrous Y chelates were synthesized by using Et3N as dehydrochlorinating agent. High purity of metal chelates (Y, Ba, Cu) of Hdpm and Cu chelates of Hacac and Hetac isolated in this work was confirmed by IR and 1H NMR spectra in addition to elemental anal. Association and relative hydrolyzability of metal chelates are discussed according to the results of the 1H NMR, IR, and mass spectral measurement, the solubility, and the observation during the experiment

Nippon Kagaku Kaishi published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is C8H11NO, COA of Formula: 0.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”


Clark, Peter R.’s team published research in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry in 17 | CAS: 14284-06-1

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Category: copper-catalyst.

Clark, Peter R. published the artcileCopper-catalysed C-H functionalisation gives access to 2-aminobenzimidazoles, Category: copper-catalyst, the publication is Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2019), 17(34), 7943-7955, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

The development, optimization and exemplification of a copper-catalyzed C-H functionalization to form pharmaceutically relevant 2-aminobenzimidazoles from aryl-guanidines. High throughput screening was used as a tool to identify a catalytically active copper source, DoE was used for reaction optimization and a range of aryl-guanidines were prepared and exposed to the optimum conditions to afford a range of 2-aminobenzimidazoles in moderate to good yields. The methodol. was applied to the synthesis of Emedastine, a marketed anti-histamine pharmaceutical compound, with the key cyclization step performed on a gram-scale.

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry published new progress about 14284-06-1. 14284-06-1 belongs to copper-catalyst, auxiliary class Copper, name is Copper(II) ethylacetoacetate, and the molecular formula is 0, Category: copper-catalyst.

Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”