Properties and Exciting Facts Abou Cuprous thiocyanate

The catalyzed pathway has a lower Ea, but the net change in energy that results from the reaction is not affected by the presence of a catalyst. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 1111-67-7

Reactions catalyzed within inorganic and organic materials and at electrochemical interfaces commonly occur at high coverage and in condensed media, causing turnover rates to depend strongly on interfacial structure and composition, COA of Formula: CCuNS, Name is Cuprous thiocyanate, belongs to copper-catalyst compound, is a common compound. COA of Formula: CCuNSIn an article, authors is Wang, Jing, once mentioned the new application about COA of Formula: CCuNS.

Reactions of a tungsten trisulfido complex of hydridotris(3,5- dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)borate (Tp*) [Et4N][Tp*WS 3] with CuX (X = Cl, NCS, or CN): Isolation, structures, and third-order NLO properties

Reactions of a tungsten trisulfido complex of hydridotris(3,5- dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)borate (Tp*) [Et4N][Tp*WS 3] (1) with 3 equiv of CuCl in CHCl3 afforded a tetranuclear anionic cluster [Et4N][Tp*W(mu3-S) 3(CuCl)3] (2), while that of 1 with 3 equiv of CuNCS in MeCN produced a decanuclear neutral cluster (major product) [Tp*W(mu3-S)3Cu3(mu-NCS) 3(CuMeCN)]2 (3) along with a binuclear anionic cluster (minor product) [Et4N][Tp*WO(mu-S)2(CuNCS)] (4). Solvothermal reactions of 1 with 3 equiv of CuCN in MeCN at 80C for 48 h followed by slowly cooling it to ambient temperature gave rise to a polymeric cluster [Tp*W(mu3-S)(mu-S)2Cu 2(MeCN)(mu-CN)]n (5). Compounds 2-5 were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis, 1H NMR, and single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The cluster anion of 2 has a [Tp*WS3Cu 3] incomplete cube with one Cl atom coordinated at each Cu center. 3 is composed of an unprecedented centrosymmetric W2Cu8 cluster core in which each void of the two single incomplete cubane-like [Tp*W(mu3-S)3Cu3(mu-NCS)] + cations is partially filled with an extra [Cu(MeCN)(mu-NCS) 2]- anion via a pair of Cu-mu-NCS-Cu bridges. The cluster anion of 4 contains one WS2Cu core that is formed by an oxidized [Tp*WO-(mu-S)2] species and one CuNCS fragment. 5 consists of butterfly shaped [Tp*W(mu3-S)(mu-S) 2Cu2(MeCN)] fragments that are interconnected via cyanide bridges to form a 1D spiral chain extending along the c axis. The successful synthesis of 2-5 from 1 suggests that 1 may be an excellent synthon to the W/Cu/S clusters. In addition, the third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of 1-3 in solution were also investigated by femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) technique with a 80 fs pulse width at 800 nm. Although 2 was not detected to have NLO effects, 1 and 3 exhibited relatively good optical nonlinearities with the nonlinear refractive index n2 and the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility chi(3) values being 0.79 × 10-13 and 0.38 × 10-14 esu (1) and 2.08 × 10-13 and 1.00 × 10-14 esu (3), respectively. The second-order hyperpolarizability gamma value for 3 (5.46 × 10-32 esu) is ca. 5 times larger than that of its precursor 1.

The catalyzed pathway has a lower Ea, but the net change in energy that results from the reaction is not affected by the presence of a catalyst. In my other articles, you can also check out more blogs about 1111-67-7

Copper catalysis in organic synthesis – NCBI,
Special Issue “Fundamentals and Applications of Copper-Based Catalysts”